This Social Media Marketing Workshop Will Help Raise Your Digital Branding, Generate More Leads & Close More Sales
Attract Diverse & Dynamic Customers with a Multi-Platform, Multi-Format Content Marketing Strategy
9am to 5pm, Thursday, 16th & Friday, 17th January 2020, Kuala Lumpur
Boost Your Brand
Increase Your Income
Skyrocket Your Sales
Are You Struggling to Grow Your Business Using Traditional Marketing Methods?
- Are you frustrated that you’re spending a lot on social media but not seeing results?
- Not sure which social media platform is the best for your business?
- Do you have too many online platforms to manage?
- Do you sometimes feel you’re executing campaigns blindly?
- Are you and your team scratching heads trying to think of content to post?
- Do you feel your social media channels are “quiet”, “boring” or too “salesy”?
Yes, I want to solve these problems!
The Social Media Profits Method Works For Different Types of Companies, including B2B, B2C and even B2G!
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Financial Services
- Training Consultancies
- Cybersecurity Services
- High-End Renovations
- Aesthetic Clinics
- Marketing Consultancies
- Healthcare Centre
- Insurance Agencies
- Beauty Centres
- Publishers
- Event Organizers
- Venture Capitalist Firms
- F&B Businesses
- Conference Producers
- Law Firms
- IP Consultants
- Oil & Gas Companies
- Manufacturers
- Automotive Companies
- Human Resource Firms
- Travel Agencies
- Fashion Brands
- Web Developers
- Import & Export Companies
- Co-Working Space Operators
- And more!
Yes! I want Social Media Marketing to Work for My Company too!
Have a question? Talk to a consultant now.
4 out of 10 of the world’s population is a social media user.
7 OUT OF 10
Consumers who had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend the brand to their friends and family.
- GEN X 77.5%
Active Social Media Usersby Generation.
- 1. Increased Exposure 93%
- 2. More Traffic 87%
- 3. Generated Leads 74%
- 4. Enhanced Sales 72%
Businesses say that these are the top benefits they derive from social media marketing.
The Experts Have Spoken. There Is No Doubt That Social Media Is Crucial For Business Success.
The Only Question Is…
How Can You Make It Work For Your Business?
If You Want to Run Effective Email Marketing Campaigns that Will Increase Your Sales While Keeping Your Marketing Cost Low, Here Are NINE Reasons Why the EMAIL PROFITS MASTERCLASS is Designed For You!

Develop A Social Media Content Strategy To Target Your Most Profitable Audiences
The Wrong Way: Create social media posts that are too generic and vague, trying to target the mass market.
The Right Solution: As customers become more sophisticated, so should the approach to engage them. In the SOCIAL MEDIA PROFITS MASTERCLASS, we will help you identify your most profitable audiences, and personalise content designed attract, befriend and convert them into sales.
Click Here and Start Focusing The Right Efforts on Your Right Markets!

Expand Your Content Library Effortlessly With Our Simple Content Multiplier Method
The Wrong Way: Reuse the same posts over and over again, because thinking up fresh, new content idea is hard!
The Right Solution: The modern customer gets bored easily. In the SOCIAL MEDIA PROFITS MASTERCLASS, we will show you a few frameworks and methods to easily generate new content for your target audiences (Yes, you can even have fresh content every day!)
Click Here and Start Delighting Your Prospects In New & Different Ways!

Increase Productivity By Using Low Cost And Even Free Tools
The Wrong Way: Spend lots of time with mundane and administrative tasks, taking up unnecessary manpower from your team.
The Right Solution: In today’s fast pace world, employees are having lesser and lesser time to do more and more tasks. In the SOCIAL MEDIA PROFITS MASTERCLASS, we will show you software and apps designed to help you manage your social media activities better. Yes, some of them are even free to use!

Broadcast Your Content To The Right Target Market Segments
The Wrong Way: Post your content and pray that it will become viral on their own.
The Right Solution: The average consumers is exposed to thousands of promotions and content daily. In the SOCIAL MEDIA PROFITS MASTERCLASS, you will learn how to effectively boost your post to the right market segments, so the right prospects are being turn into your customers.
Click Here and Start Attracting the Right Customers to Your Business!

Deploy A Marketing Mix That Comprises Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin And More
The Wrong Way: Use only one social media platforms to promote your business.
The Right Solution: The modern consumer are active on multiple social platforms, which is why in the SOCIAL MEDIA PROFITS MASTERCLASS, we will help you identify the best mix of channels and tools to use, so you can engage them better.
Click Here and Have Your Brand Seen on All The Right Platforms!

Capture Attention With Attractive Headlines And Captions Using Simple Copywriting Hacks
The Wrong Way: Use boring headlines and “salesy” call-to-actions that don’t get clicks.
The Right Solution: In this digital age, attention is commodity, and businesses that can capture the focus of their customers will win. In the SOCIAL MEDIA PROFITS MASTERCLASS, you will gain access to some of our copywriting hacks that you can easily use to “sexify” your content.
Click Here and Start Captivating Your Most Profitable Audiences!

Maximise Your Marketing Dollars By Using Advance Data Analytics And Consumer Insights
The Wrong Way: Post on social media blindly, without relying on feedback and data.
The Right Solution: Machine learning, AI and Big Data are critical to improve the ROI of your marketing dollars. That is why in the SOCIAL MEDIA PROFITS MASTERCLASS, we will show you the backend tools you will need to tap on the goldmine of data so you can plan your strategy even better!
Click Here and Start Using Data to Improve Your Marketing Results!

Impress Your Customers And Prospects With A Professional And Personable Digital Brand
The Wrong Way: Have little or zero information when potential customers search for your business online.
The Right Solution: The modern customer is a tech-savvy customer, and it is very common for them to perform a quick search on the internet before buying your products or engaging your services. In the SOCIAL MEDIA PROFITS MASTERCLASS, we will work with you to design online branding strategies designed to boost your digital presence.

Identify The Right Components And Channels To Build Effective Online Marketing Funnels
The Wrong Way: Still using traditional marketing methods to grow your business.
The Right Solution: With the rise of technology, businesses have to be able to engage customers on all fronts, both online and offline. In the SOCIAL MEDIA PROFITS MASTERCLASS, we will show you how you can use our 5-Stage Marketing Funnel to create effectively create dynamic customer engagement strategies for your business.
We’re not “tour agents” who sell you the ticket and send you on your way.
We’re the TOUR GUIDES who show you the potholes, shortcuts, best routes to take and how to best prepare for the rides.
Discovering New Profits is your journey. Let us be your guide.

Marketing Strategist & New Profits Consultant
Meet Your Guide
- Over 15 years marketing experience across different industries and over different platforms and channels
- Started 7 businesses mostly using digital tools, especially email marketing
- Co-Founded KICKSTART.MY and grew it from a pathetic 20 people event to over 4300+ participants
- Trained and consulted local and international companies in the following industries finance, insurance, telecommunications, F&B, healthcare, lifestyle and more
What Industry Veterans Are Saying About Maverick?
; a lesson where someone who is an expert at something gives advice to a group of good students.
Four Key Program Features

Worksheets and Strategy Maps that you can use over and over again, as your business grows from one stage to another. Of course, the same frameworks can also be used for new projects, new products and new services as your business expands.

Learning is easiest when there are examples given. Sometimes we are blindsided by emotions associated to our own businesses to see the solution. The moment we disassociate ourselves and look at other businesses, often we get the “Hey, why didn’t I think about that!” breakthrough moments.

Bring your existing or past campaigns and get immediate feedback on how to improve it. Know exactly what works and what doesn’t, and checklists to effectively implement for future improvements.

Theories can only bring you so far. Get behind-the-scene access and witness how it actually works. Plus, you will get to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty too, as you and your team get familiar with the softwares and tools.

Date & Time:
Tuesday, 25th & Wednesday, 26th February 2020
9.15am to 5.00pm
Secret Location in Petaling Jaya.
(Google Maps)
What’s My Investment?
How much are missed opportunities costing you? How many potential customers can you afford to lose to your competitors? How many more “belt-tightening” exercises can you go through year after year to maximise your marketing dollars?
A lack of clarity and strategy may already be costing you a great deal. The question is, how much more?
Only For Selected Participants
RM 1500
Payment will be processed by Snappars Events.