And Turn Them Into Warm Leads

Inside this free 1-hour webinar, you’ll learn:
- How to identify the right contacts you should be reaching out to (and which you should avoid)
- How to draft a simple 9-Word message designed to get responses even from the coldest leads
- How to send the message to your right target audiences to jumpstart sales conversations
Let me save you some time.
If you answer NO to any of these, please go back to whatever you were doing before you got here. 🙂
- Yes/No – I have at least 100 name cards, misc databases or cold leads and don’t know how to start the sales process.
- Yes/No – My sales cycle is long, usually 30 to 90 days, and I need to frequently follow-up.
- Yes/No – My prospects usually can’t decide on the spot, or need a long time to decide (sometimes, I even need to educate them why they need my product)
Then read on. 🙂
Hi, Maverick here.
Earlier this year, I made a personal pledge to help 2000 trainers become HITs (High Income Trainers).
Here’s the thing: In my experience working with corporate trainers, speakers, coaches and B2B businesses, 95% of the time, I observed that they have one problem that’s stopping their growth.
They are sitting on a goldmine of highly valuable namecards and database, but are not doing anything with it.
- They don’t know how to categorize the contacts
- They don’t know how to reach out to the contacts
- They don’t know what to say even when they reach out to the contacts
And over time, those warm contacts become cold.
The funny thing is, when they want to grow their business, they spend money getting new leads, instead of tapping into those cold contacts first.
Well, that’s what this FREE webinar is about:
Let’s Warm Up Those Cold Contacts & Turn Them Into Potential Sales.
And we’re not gonna use that slowcooker. No, No.
We’re gonna use the microwave, because we want the results FAST!
In this webinar, I’ll show you one of the tactics I commonly use to reactive cold leads. And believe it or not, you’ll be surprised how a simple set of 20 words (or lesser) can get you results, faster than Thanos’ snap!
- You don’t have a single name card collected at all. The webinar is only an hour, and I’m sorry that I won’t have time to help you get new contacts if you haven’t already got any. We’ll cover that in another webinar, ok?
- You sell to the public (B2C) through previews, because I’m more interested to work with trainers and coaches who are selling to corporates. There are a few digital marketers I can recommend for this particular type of stage-selling and platform closing. I’ve already explained the reason in the previous webinar.
What are you waiting for? Click here to register for this free webinar now, and see you in like 5 seconds!
Stay awesome!
Q: Will you upsell something during the webinar?
A: No. I won’t be upselling anything, but I can’t stop you from buying something. 🙂 Seriously, after the webinar, if you want to get more hands-on and replicate the marketing strategies I’ve used, there’s a 2-day workshop which we can get my team to send you more info on. And if you want to engage our company’s services to map out your strategy, we can talk privately another time. But rest assured, no selling. Plus, it’s a webinar, so you can leave anytime anyway, kan?
Q: Will you be recording the session?
A: Hopefully!
Q: Can I buy you coffee?
A: With bosses’ approval, yes. 🙂